Anyone who lives around Maidstone knows there are serious traffic problems in the town.
I've called on Maidstone Borough Council to tackle our grid-locked roads as part of their new Local Plan.
In my submission to the latest consultation on the proposals, I’ve stressed that new infrastructure needs to be delivered alongside new housing to ease pressure on local roads and services.
We also need to protect the historic character of our rural villages and countryside for future generations to enjoy. I've called on the Council to prioritise brownfield sites and make better use of space above shops and offices for development.
I’ve again raised concerns about the proposed Heathlands and Lidsing Garden Villages - which are strongly opposed by local residents.
I understand the pressure the Council is under to find locations for housing to meet the Borough’s housing need. I've had several conversations recently with Housing Secretary, Michael Gove, about the need to look again at overall housing numbers.
We do need new homes, but Kent mustn't be expected to take more than our fair share.
Read my full consultation response below.