I am proud that we are a tolerant country and we must stay that way.
There have been reports of racist abuse in Faversham since the referendum. This is unacceptable, and I have asked the police what they are doing about it.
The referendum campaign has exposed divisions in the UK and left some people feeling uncertain, upset and angry. That is all the more reason for us to pull together and reassert the values that unite us.
We need to send the strongest possible message that we will not tolerate intolerance.
By voting to leave the EU, the people of this country made clear that immigration needs to be controlled, but that doesn’t give xenophobia a free pass.
The NHS wouldn’t function without an international workforce, our fruit farms here in Kent rely on seasonal labour from abroad.
This country still needs workers from other countries if we are to have the growing economy and the open, outward-looking culture that make Britain great.