On Friday 26 March, I brought together representatives from Kent County Council, Faversham Town Council, the Faversham Society and the Faversham Creek Trust to discuss progress since our last meeting on 27 November.
KCC reported that they have completed most of the highways design work. This includes: an assessment of the abutments, outline design of the bridge and its structure plus the mitre and sluice gates. By the end of May/beginning of June they plan to have completed the highway preliminary design and ecology survey, including provision for eel migration.
The next steps include estimating the total costs of the works to get the bridge back into working order including dredging the creek, replacing the sluice gates and to confirming all funding sources.
I'm pleased that Maritime Minister, Robert Courts, met Peel Ports last week and has agreed to convene a conversation between KCC and Peel Ports to agree a way forward. KCC and the Town Council will work together for plans on how the bridge will be maintained and managed in future.
All parties agreed this was the most positive meeting they have had yet, and they are looking forward to solving the challenges that still lie ahead together.
I'm planning to host another meeting in May for an update on progress.