Health and social care services across Kent are changing. I want my constituents to get the best results from these changes – better care closer to home, for instance, as well as excellent hospitals.
I’ve been speaking to groups representing patients – like Healthwatch and Faversham Health Matters – so I have a strong sense of what people want. For instance, people in Faversham want to see Kiln Court and Osborne Court sites continue to be used for health and social care, and cherish Faversham Cottage Hospital. I have frequent conversations with health leaders and emphasise the importance of listening to local priorities.
With big changes afoot, it’s really important for local voices to be heard. I urge anyone reading this - if you’re passionate about local health services, whether that's your local GP surgery, care homes, hospitals or any other health and care service, then get involved with organisations like Healthwatch Kent and Faversham Health Matters. Healthwatch Kent is an independent organisation set up to champion the views of patients and social care users across Kent. It works to help people get the best out of their local health and social care services. Faversham Health Matters successfully campaigned to keep the Minor Injuries Unit open. Both groups do great work so join up and make your voice heard.
I'd particularly like to highlight public health too – we need people to speak up for having healthy communities and a healthy environment, not just for hospitals to treat people when they’re sick. This is essential so we shift the focus, and some of the money, to prevention and healthier lifestyles.
Healthwatch Kent’s Steve Inett says: “We have relatively few volunteers from Faversham area so we’re not able to make the difference that we would like for the local community. We need people to help us with a range of activities including visiting the hospital and other services to talk to patients. We also urgently need people who would like to go out into communities and talk to people about their views and experiences of local services. Join us and help make a difference, we’d love to hear from you.”
If you would like more information about Healthwatch and volunteer opportunities please email Theresa on or call 07702 911 142